Thursday, August 20, 2009

you can't take it with you...

Every morning, Bangkok Christian College begins with a thought for the day. Thursdays are in English, so I was excited to be able to understand the message, and I thought I would share it.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but loose his soul?

Michael Jackson was very successful during his life, and he achieved many great things. But he died, and he died very young. And when he died, he did not get to take Neverland Ranch, Bubbles, or Thriller with him. Those things stayed behind on earth. What did he take with him? His soul. Maybe his soul was happy with the joy he had brought to many people all over the world, or with the great contributions of charity that he made, but only his soul went with him when he left this world.

All of my MJ memories came flooding forth and I said a small prayer for his peace and for his family (Brooke Upton taught me that it is ok to pray for celebrities). Soon there after, the morning announcements continued in Thai. Just as I resigned myself to ignoring the words I could not understand, I heard the words "Meekal Jakon". They were repeating the same message, and I was excited to think that I was "understanding" Thai, even if it was cheating.

Besides MJ, I got a lot out of this message. Bangkok is a shopper's paradise. Everything is so cheap and there are so many wonderful things to see. But the experiences that will enrich my life and bless my soul and relationship with God are far more precious than all of Siam's souveniers combined.

That said, school is closed today in preparation for the 157th birthday of BCC, and we're going shopping.

peace and love,

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