Friday, September 18, 2009

Inside the mind of the ADD.

I think I might actually miss the skytrain when I get home. I'm gonna have to start paying for gas. How much is gas at home? How much is that in Thai baht? How much baht do I have in my wallet? I should get a new wallet. My phone fits in this wallet. I need to put minutes on my phone. I won't have to pay for minutes on my phone when I get home...and I'll be able to text facebook and twitter. What is the purpose of twitter? Does it have a purpose? Do I have a purpose?
Why won't the computer turn on? This would be so much easier if I had brought my own computer. Why didn't I bring my computer? Oh,'s big and broken. At least I have a laptop. At least I have had the opportunity to go college. It is a blessing, even if I'm gonna have some major debt when I graduate.
Graduation. I need to send e-mails about major field test and graduation. I need to do the senior questionnaire. I need a computer. Skype is an awesome concept...even if I haven't gotten to use it. Why didn't I use Skype? Time difference. Even though I won't be home when I go home, I won't have to calculate the hour or worry about waking mom and dad when I need to talk. I miss my family. Homesickness is an ugly thing. I need to finish this lesson plan. I hope it's good enough. I hope the boys get something out of it. I hope I don't screw them up. I hope I finish the lesson plan.
These boys like Michael Jackson. Of all songs...Heal the world. Such sweet moments...this is why I came in early. No it's not...finish your lesson plan!
That's a really big buddha in that picture. Who/what is buddha? I should read a book. Why don't I remember/know this already? How can I feel so uneducated when I have spent nearly 20 years in some sort of an educational institution? Am I stupid? No, Ashley, you're ADD.
:o) :o) peace. love. happiness. bliss. blessed. life is good. kids are awesome. i'm gonna miss thailand. i'm gonna miss these precious boys. the boys were so wonderful during observation. the boys have been wonderful since i got here. i hope i can do a fun review monday morning with my "breakfast club" god, these kids are cute. glad i have my camera. gee, my thoughts are so much more pleasant when i'm in the classroom. can i just live in the classroom? a permanent suspension of escape...a chance to forget the ugly things in the world...what a wonderful world it is inside the classroom.
Any movie is better when you watch it with a classroom full of children- they display their enthusiasm externally and are not inhibited in their reactions to the world. If only it were easier for adults to be the same...without needing alcohol. Happy meals really can make you happy. Happiness clearly does not have a price tag: how can they be so excited over cheap plastic?
Am I really so old now that I can't remember the times I used to beg for chicken nuggets and a sprite for the sake of a cheap piece of plastic? When did I grow up? Why did I grow up? Why do any of us grow up. Can I still find child Ashley somewhere? ....Oh there she is. Thank you Land Before Time, you helped me find her. Is it okay for adults to act like kids sometimes? I smell an informal research project...

Reading through ADD thoughts is like dumpster diving. There's a lot of random garbage, but every so often you find a nice lamp or side table for your dorm.

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