Thursday, September 10, 2009

If you are currently in Cleveland, TN...

...I had better never catch you complaining about the rain. Got an 8 am class on the other side of the Lee campus and God is dumping buckets? I don't want to hear about it. Suck it up: you have boots and an umbrella (ella, ella)'ll survive.

Want to whine about a few puddles? Walk in Bangkok. In the rain. For 45 minutes. With little or no foot protection. With a sick toe. And blistered toes. In a skirt. Through puddles- no, rivers...make that RIVERS up to your knees every time you cross the street. Then, and only then, may you resume your snibbling about Cleveland's rain.

Okay, it was definitely gross, and I wanted to cry, but what's the use of tears in a monsoon? None. As Sarah says, this experience will be in the highlights of our trip. We built up our character and the muscles in our calves. There was an abundance of water and a deficit of taxis, but we came, we saw, and we conquered. The smiles that we got were the premature appearance of God's rainbow.

(Utterly ridiculous at times) Rainy season in Thailand.......this one's for you!

The dirt and God knows what else will leave down the drain, but the story, photos, and video will live in infamy. So thanks for the memories.

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